A text Rich Environment

A Text Rich Environment

What is a text rich environment? 

A text rich environment, is exactly as it sounds, an environment filled with text.

Not to be confused with placing a book in every corner and play space, it’s introducing literacy into the every day environment, supporting children, from the earliest age, to interact with text, not only independently but with the support of educators, parents and carers. 

rich text environment - love 2 learn nursery

As adults, if we have learnt to read, it’s become muscle memory to read without thinking, for most of us reading becomes easy and we do it without even having to try.

This is different for children, they need to first understand that words and texts exist, that they carry meaning. The easiest way for a young child to develop these early reading skills, is to be exposed to literature in their environment.

child reading - clarendon park nursery

As children play and explore, they begin to explore the books, letters and words around them. As children become engaged in their play, the text becomes part of this. 

A great way of ensuring your little one has a text rich environment is to follow their interests. If they love to tinker in the home corner, why not add a cook book? If you have a car crazy toddler, local car sales papers or magazines are amazing!

We LOVE books!

children listening to a book, and having a tea party, love 2 learn nursery

Books and reading is a huge part of our ethos, our setting and our daily rhythm. 

It’s all part of a text rich environment.

Reading to children, (even a cook book), is fundamental for development, it helps them to understand that text carries meaning, scaffolding the way to turn pages and read left to right. The tales and storyline, explain illustrations and support imagination and creativity. 

Reading is also super social, supporting the emotional development of even the littlest of learners and can be a wonderful time to bond, exploring new worlds and learning together.

 Anissa Trisdianty: “Reading is dreaming with open eyes”


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