Love 2 Blog!

Sun Safety
Love 2 Learn Nursery Love 2 Learn Nursery

Sun Safety

Children spend nearly half of their childhood outdoors. Children attending schools will frequently visit the playgrounds during peak UV hours, which is between 11am and 3pm.

This is why it is imperative that children understand the importance of wearing sun screen, to protect them from UV damage, ensuring they learn how to enjoy the sun safely.

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Breast Feeding
Love 2 Learn Nursery Love 2 Learn Nursery

Breast Feeding

We are advocates for fed babies, whether it’s from a bottle or the breast, formula or breast milk a fed thriving baby is what's most important.

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Risky Play
Love 2 Learn Nursery Love 2 Learn Nursery

Risky Play

What are the benefits of risky play?

Risky play gives ampule opportunities for children to challenge themselves, not only physically, but also emotionally and mentally.

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