

Many of us think of winter and envision a cold dark morning. A time when the nights draw in, to hide indoors, warm and cosy. 

My favourite part of winter, used to be thick warm bedding, toasty rooms and watching the season unfold and develop through the window. 

That was until I embraced the changes in the season and realised I was missing out. 

Winter, as is every other season, is a gift from mother nature. A gift we must support our little humans to explore first hand. 

How can a child explain what ice or snow is, what it feels like, if they have never experienced it. “To see the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand outdoors.” Aristotle

As adults we are often filled with negative thoughts in regard to outdoor play in winter - Is it Too cold? Too wet? Will they catch a cold?  

Research suggests children who play outdoors are less likely to have coughs and colds. Thom McDade, PhD, associate professor and director of the Laboratory for Human Biology Research told WebMD, “Microbial exposures early in life may be important…to keep inflammation in check in adulthood.”

Being outdoors, getting fresh air and experiencing nature is fundamentally important to the mental and physical health of humans.
But no matter the season, children should play outdoors, it is essential to their learning, development, health and wellbeing. 

Winter is beautiful embrace her

 It’s not the weather that’s inappropriate, it’s the clothing

We can embrace the seasons by being prepared. We can wrap up warm to protect ourselves and our children from the bite of the cooler temperature. Puddle suits and waterproofs are amazing at keeping children warm and dry, paired with some wellington boots, a hat and gloves, you have the perfect ingredients to support your little one to explore winter. 

When we think about how we dress ourselves and children for the cold weather, think of the rule of 3. 

  • A base layer for moisture

  •  A middle layer to insulate.

  • An outer layer offering additional warmth and protection from rain or snow. 

Remember water resistance is not waterproof and doesn't offer the same protection. 

Often we look out of the window and long for our pretty gardens and warmer days, forgetting the beauty of winter. The change of the trees and leaves, the crunch on the ground from the morning frost, the priceless experiences to be had by adults and children a like. 

Instead of avoiding her, get your wellies on and embrace her. 


Learning Through Play


Baby Led Weaning