Weather Warrior

Here at Love 2 Learn we pride ourselves on being weather warriors. This means that no matter the weather, we ensure the children have outdoor play. A chance to explore the seasons for themselves, to feel the sun, rain and snow, with freedom and no limits.

We ask that all of our children come to nursery prepared for all weathers. This means sun hats and sunscreen in the summer and an all in one puddle suit and welly boots for the colder months. With lots of spare clothes, this means we can explore the seasons from the outdoors, protected from the elements, learning and having fun.

In the warmer months we spend our days outdoors, eating on our veranda and sleeping under gazebo’s. The children get to hear, see and feel all that nature has to offer, imagine your little one falling asleep for their afternoon nap, listening to the birds tweeting from the nearby tree’s, calming and peaceful.

As the seasons change, our children get to watch this with their own eyes. Exploring the natural changes of mother nature, the crisp leaves under their wellies, feeling the first snow fall on the tip of their noses and splashing energetically in the biggest of muddy puddles.

Allowing children to experience nature first hand is priceless, to discover the world for themselves, learn how the seasons change and what curious treasures the different months bring us. To learn to be risk takers and adventurous. A child stuck indoors will never be able to understand Autumn, or the feeling of excitement of jumping in a pile of autumn leaves.

To most when it rains, it means staying indoors and keeping dry. To us its an opportunity to discover something new. To develop physical development, enjoy imaginative role play and to allow our children to discover the natural changing world around them.

There is nothing better than watching children dig for worms at the end of summer when the ground softens or the tiny fresh footprint of a welly boot in the shallow snow.

Our environment offers children endless experiences and learning opportunities. Here at Love 2 Learn we pride ourselves on being weather warrior’s, enjoying all weathers, rain or shine, with the children in our care.

So grab your wellies and let’s go find a puddle


Help your child to sleep better on these hot summer nights!


Treasure baskets