Help your child to sleep better on these hot summer nights!

Help your child sleep better on these hot summer nights!

In this heat, your little ones may be finding it harder to sleep than usual (not just your little ones) ideally our sleep spaces should be 15-18 degrees centigrade (59-64 Fahrenheit) to get a good nights sleep.

Melatonin (the sleep hormone) is actually inhibited by higher temperatures.

We will keep your precious ones cool during day ...

Here are a few tips to help on those summer nights.

1. During the day, Baton down the hatches, pull the shades, draw the curtains, and avoid letting in the sunlight where possible.

2. At night, open the windows, try to create a breeze through the room by opening windows at opposite ends of the house.

3. Blow fans over bowls of ice, the air will be cooled as it circulates.

4. Air conditioning is a welcome relief but removes the moisture out of the air so you will need a water diffuser or humidifier. Your child will need to drink/feed more if their throat becomes dry.

5. An alternative to air conditioning is to blow fans over bowls of ice, the air will be cooled as it circulates.

6. Bamboo sheets are the coolest material to sleep on, else 100% cotton are great, (no polyester blends as these can increase temperatures - annoyingly a lot of children’s bed covers are made of polyester heavy blends).

7. Your little human will be more thirsty, which will mean more waking, more night feeds, and they will most likely need you more.

Stay safe and hydrated.

We wish you all sweet, sweet and cool dreams.


Questions to ask your potential childcare setting!


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