Questions to ask your potential childcare setting!

We, at Love 2 Learn Nursery, understand how daunting it can feel when searching for the right setting for your precious little one.

We have put together a list of questions, that we get asked and ones we think would be useful to ask.

Please print and use them for any childcare setting you approach (including ourselves :)

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have.

What are your opening times?

Can I have a full list of Fees?

Do you offer funded hours/options?

How does the settling-in period work?

Can I see a menu?

What are the meal times?

What if my child is hungry before meals or not hungry at these times?

Do you accommodate children's allergies?

Is my child encouraged to drink water?

What activities are on offer?

Is their play structured or child-led?

How much outdoor space is there?

How much time do they get outdoors every day?

Do they get to choose when they go outside?

How often do I get updates?

Can I call when I need?

What if my child gets upset?

How would you handle my child if they were having a down day?

Do you have times when the nursery is closed? (Christmas) etc? Do I still pay?

Are you open term time or all year?

What are your sickness policies?


…Chicken pox?

…Hand foot and mouth?


Do you have set nap times or child-led?

How will you settle my child for naps? - Do you follow my routine? (rocking/Cuddled etc)

Does my child have access to outside space?

How long have your staff been with you?

What would you do if my child hurt another child?

What would you do if another child hurt my child?

How does nappy changing work? Set times or chid led?

How do you handle a child not listening to you?

What do you do if my child is still upset when I leave them, after their settling-in period?

Do you help with potty training?

Do you have outings?

What would a typical day look like?

What are your views on rewards and praise? (stickers etc)


Sooner is not better!


Help your child to sleep better on these hot summer nights!