Love 2 Blog!
The Many Theorists Of Early Years
There are many theorists who have researched and discovered how children change and grow over the course of their childhood. These theories have then formed the way we support, teach and nurture children to achieve their full potential.
Some of these world renowned theorists have had an influential input on our educational system and in particular have helped to form the Early Years Foundation Stage.
What is a schema?
Schematic play is not a specific type of play itself, but rather how a child chooses to play and the type of actions they like to take.
Play schemas occur during all forms of play, from arts and crafts to physical sports, they may be a little tricky to spot at first.
Learning Through Play
How can we expect children to go to school, as young as three years old and be able to sit and write their names, when they haven't had the chance to develop their fine motor skills?
How can we have high expectations for them to sit and listen, to read and communicate. When we haven't supported them to explore, to grow and learn?
When we think about how we dress ourselves and children for the cold weather, think of the rule of 3.
A base layer for moisture
A middle layer to insulate.
An outer layer offering additional warmth and protection from rain or snow.
Baby Led Weaning
You can begin the process of baby led weaning around 6 months old.
At first your little one will only need a small amount of solid food, just once a day; as well as their regular diet of breast milk or formula.
You can choose a time that best suits your families needs, Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner.
What is the Curiosity Approach?
The Curiosity Approach is a wondrous ethos that focuses on Curiosity, Awe, and Wonder in Early Childhood.
Through this approach, children learn through the use of authentic resources, recycled materials and loose parts.
Sooner is not better!
Sadly, there is such a push to get children writing their names before they go to school, when in fact their bodies are not physically ready to formally handle a pencil to form recognisable letters, follow dots on a paper or write their name!
Questions to ask your potential childcare setting!
We have put together a list of questions, that we get asked and ones we think would be useful to ask.
Help your child to sleep better on these hot summer nights!
Melatonin (the sleep hormone) is actually inhibited by higher temperatures.
We will keep your precious ones cool during day ...
Here are a few tips to help on those summer nights.
Weather Warrior
Here at Love 2 Learn we pride ourselves on being weather warriors. This means that no matter the weather, we ensure the children have outdoor play. A chance to explore the seasons for themselves, to feel the sun, rain and snow, with freedom and no limits.
Treasure baskets
The perfect way to nurture your baby’s curiosity
Understanding the benefits of using treasure baskets to support your baby’s development and a step-by-step guide on how to create your very own
Arghhhh! Messy play! Messy clothes! Messy children!!
We believe that all children deserve to have the opportunity to explore their environment with all their senses. Children learn through play, ‘mess’ is a part of their play and learning.